In accordance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, we inform you that REST AND RECOVER, with address at C. Santo Tomás de Aquino, Jardines de Guadalupe, 45030 Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. Phone: 33-1574-6162 is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use given to them and their protection.

Your personal information will be used for the following purposes: to inform you about the services you have requested; to notify you about our promotions that are related to the services already contracted or acquired; to inform you about changes in the same; to elaborate studies and programs that are necessary to determine consumption habits; to comply with the fiscal obligations of this company; to generate the corresponding invoicing and in general to comply with the obligations that we have contracted with you.

For the aforementioned purposes, we need to obtain some of the following personal data:

Full name
Landline and/or cell phone
E-mail address
RFC and/or CURP

We inform you that you have the right to Access, Rectification and Cancellation of your personal data, to Oppose the treatment of the same or to revoke the consent that for such purpose you have given us, through the procedures and formats that we have implemented to comply with the law of the matter.

To learn about these procedures, requirements and deadlines, you may contact our administration, located at C. Santo Tomás de Aquino, Jardines de Guadalupe, 45030 Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. Telephone: 33-1574-6162, with business hours from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

We also inform you that your personal data may be transferred to persons other than this company. In this sense, your information may be shared with courier and/or transportation companies to deliver the requested products to your home, with companies that audit the financial statements of this company and with multiple banking institutions to comply with the obligations that the person responsible for the data has with you.

If you do not express your opposition to the transfer of your personal data, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so. Any modification to this privacy notice may be consulted on the following website. Date of last update June 2, 2022.